Tuesday, January 4, 2022

How to stop Spam Emails

How to stop Spam Emails: Keywords,Tutorials,Tools,Marketing,Affiliates

How can be done to stop emails entering the spam folder?

The problem many people encounters when it comes email sending, is their email ends up in spam folder. Sometimes the recipient could not check his Spam folder. In some cases the software deletes in from the spam making it not available to the recipient. For the beginners it will discourage them from going further as they might give up that it is not working.

How can be done to stop emails entering the Spam folder?

Capitalized Email subject

The email can enter the spam folder when the subject is in Capital letters as the most of the spam email had their subject in Capital letter. This makes it possible for the spider to locate such as a spam

Provide an unsubscribe link

Every email messages that can repeat itself or to be sent several times can be offensive to the recipient and as such a case it might be regarded as spam. It might be that the recipient is not interested on the message. This is why the unsubscribe link must be provided in order to avoid the repetition of such email without the authorization of the recipient. The received might decide to stop such email coming to his email box by using the unsubscribe link to stop the email.

Set up email authentication

When an email is originated from an authenticated source it will be trusted. The email had trace back to the sender, so the sender can receive response from the receiver. The source of the email plays an important role in determining how the email will be treated. And in some cases such email can be verified if they are spam or not.

Do not send more than one attachment.

One message might be seen as a spam if it contains more than one attachment. When an email is containing more than one attachment it might likely be offensive to the receiver as such email might occupy big space when received. There are some emails that sent some attachment that contained spam emails or virus in order to deceive the receiver in this case the sever might detect this as a spam email thereby relocating it to the spam folder.

Use trusted email hosting

Some hosting company that does not always comply with the regulations of the spam prevention can be flagged and regarded as an un-trusted. Some server had be used to send several spam emails and deceptive emails. This hosting sever had not integrity with the email server so any email been sent from the server can be suspicions.

Spam tag words

Avoid words that are considered spam , such as cheap, free, limited offer, and others
Many words had reports attached to it, because it had been used several times to send a fraudulent emails, therefore using such word can land the email to spam folder.

Special server

You can use a special server such as VPS, Dedicated server. If the server is shared server it means that you have no control of what will be going out or coming in to the server. That is why it advisable to use the special server, where can be in control of some activities of the server. You can control the server in sending authentic emails. The most important thing you apply is to use a special server for your email marketing. Because email hosting usually provides extra security features for email marketing.

The subject of the email

The subject of the email is relevant to the content of the email. The subject of the email is not related to the body of the email. This is also can be regarded as a fraudulent email because the subject maybe attractive the recipient but the message will be saying a different thing from the subject. Some subject like How to become a millionaire, Free Offers etc. Some subject might be deceptive, when an email had such a word it will be regarded as a spam as well.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Matthew 21:6-11  The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, 'Hosanna to the Son of David!' 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' 'Hosanna in the highest heaven!' When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, 'Who is this?' The crowds answered, 'This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.' (NIVUK)

You can read the verses around this Bible passage from the Internet Bible: - in English, and many other languages

The feast of Passover was one of the three great feasts of Israel. Every able bodied man was expected to be there. Many Jews who travelled from Galilee, in the north of the country, avoided Samaria by coming down the road to the east of the Jordan River and then crossing near Jericho. From there it was an uphill path for about 17 miles. The closer they got to Jerusalem, the more excited they became.

The crowds merged with the growing group of people around Jesus. It was a festival atmosphere and the sight of Jesus riding to the City on a donkey spurred them into chanting. Psalm 118 was a natural song to sing. Verses 25-26 say, "Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord ... from the house of the Lord we bless you"

It was a Holy Spirit inspired connection between the Psalm and Jesus. The crowd spoke the truth although they did not know it (and later denied it ... Matthew 27:20-26). Jesus was indeed the Saviour ('Hosanna' means 'save us now'). He was indeed the Son of David (the Jews understood that phrase to refer to the Messiah). Salvation was indeed planned in the highest heaven and would enable saved people to go to heaven. Entering Jerusalem the excitement of the travelling crowd spilled over to the other pilgrims. They asked, "Who is this man?" But the only answer was His human name and home address. They had not listened to the Scripture they had chanted.

God is heard when people listen for His voice. Even though Scripture is full of truth from God, its significance is often disregarded because people do not want to know what He is saying. It is easy to repeat prayers in church, sing songs and read what the Holy Spirit has inspired - but it is impossible to bow before the King of Heaven unless you want to (or, on the final day, have to ... Philippians 2:9-11). Going along with a religious crowd will not necessarily show you who Jesus is, unless you are open to hear and believe what the Holy Spirit is saying. Be willing to listen today when you read His Word.

Prayer:  Oh God who speaks. Thank You for Your Word which shows me what You are like, and what I am like ... and how I need Your help to become more like You. I am sorry when I do not want to know those realities, when I am determined to drive my agenda against Your will. Please help me to desire to hear Your Holy Spirit speaking to me as I read Your Word, and to be willing to obey what You say. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Matthew 21:12-13  Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money-changers and the benches of those selling doves. 'It is written,' he said to them, '"My house will be called a house of prayer," but you are making it "a den of robbers."' (NIVUK)

You can read the verses around this Bible passage from the Internet Bible: - in English, and many other languages

After Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, He went into the temple to see the market of stalls selling animals and birds; and the money changers. Why were they there, in the temple? Well, the temple authorities decreed that people could not use the common coinage to give to God or to buy sacrifices - because the Roman money was 'unclean'. So worshippers had to buy temple money from a money-changer who added a large commission. They also purchased (apparently ceremonially clean) doves or lambs for sacrifice (at an inflated price).

Jesus Christ had come to earth to bring people back to worshipping the true God. He found that the worship-place had become a market-place where traders conspired together to defraud the worshippers of their money and God of His honour. Jesus knew what He would see and what needed to be done. He had to expose greed dressed up in religious clothing and demonstrate that the traders were worshipping a false god, Money (Matthew 6:24).

The Lord quoted from Isaiah 56:7 and Jeremiah 7:11 as He pushed over the trading tables, spilling their corrupt earnings onto the floor; then releasing the live animals and making the dealers run out in fear. He spoke the truth about their activities and nobody denied it. He spoke the truth about God's house which had been consecrated to the honour of God, and not the greed of humanity. Although they thought that sacrifice was to make them rich, Jesus on the cross would show that true sacrifice is a willingness to lose everything (Matthew 16:24). His vigorous display of indignation was a small foretaste of God's wrath on all who seek their own greatness at the expense of His glory(Colossians 3:5-6).

Greedy Christians are a disgrace to the gospel (which is rooted in the grace of giving). This ranges from theft of money, fraudulent requests for charitable giving, to unfair trading and pricing. This thought may not be well received by those who make money from their involvement with spiritual ministries; but neither was Jesus well received by the temple traders. The key questions for all ministries are, 'how does it honour God, give to God and serve the purposes of God?' God does supply the needs of His servants, but when people serve Him for what they can get, they are in the wrong job. This is a sobering passage which demands careful personal consideration, however well you have previously justified your financial activities.

Prayer:  Gracious and giving God. Thank You for giving Jesus Christ for my sins and with Him, everything that I need. Forgive me when I have worshipped the gods of this world, particularly money. Give me a new mind to understand how a wrong relationship with money can wreck my relationship with You. Please speak to me by Your Holy Spirit so that I can honestly reflect on my attitude to giving and getting. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Matthew 21:18-19  Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig-tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, 'May you never bear fruit again!' Immediately the tree withered. (NIVUK)

You can read the verses around this Bible passage from the Internet Bible: - in English, and many other languages

We do not usually think that Jesus would do anything destructive; we think of His healings, the power over the storm, and turning water into wine. On all those occasions He was demonstrating His divine power to create and recreate, to undo the ravages of evil and bring new joy. But this passage is different. Jesus sees an unproductive fig tree and curses it so that it would never again bear fruit. His words had an even greater effect because it was subsequently found to be dead with withered leaves.

Israel had been planted by God. Over many centuries, God's people had largely rejected Him; and soon the Son of God would also be rejected, as prophesied in Isaiah 53:3. How long should God be patient with His people (Genesis 6:3)? Jesus used this useless fig tree to demonstrate that God would not indefinitely tolerate spiritual fruitlessness. The curse to remain barren also deprived the tree of its purpose, to bear figs, and so it withered and died.

Israel had not chosen to love the Lord their God: if they had, they would have been fruitful, but they were not. The religious leaders who represented the people before God did not did not recognise the character of God in Jesus Christ, nor did they attribute His wonderful miracles to the power of God. Instead they said he was demonised; they cursed Him and wanted Him dead. In this acted parable with the fig tree, Jesus said that He would have the last word: He had the right to issue the final curse.

Despite the apparent 'success' of some religious people today, God is looking for spiritual fruit. He is seeking new believers, discipled believers, serving believers; believers who are transformed in their minds and hearts ... and who lead the people around them to seek Christ and His kingdom. He is not looking for more religious activity but for the transforming results of Christ's life in repentant sinners, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many will appeal to Him on the basis of what they have done for Him, but He will judge on how much they have let Him do in them and through them (Matthew 7:21-22). It is a sobering wake-up call to religious people who are spiritually unfruitful.

Prayer:  All-powerful God. Thank You for Your ability to achieve anything You desire by speaking. I am sorry for the times when I have resisted Your Word, thinking that it did not matter to You. Please help me to let Your Word grow within me so that I can bear fruit which pleases You and enable others to become fruitful for You also. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 


Matthew 25:1-9  At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight the cry rang out: "Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!" Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out." "No," they replied, "there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves." (NIVUK)

You can read the verses around this Bible passage from the Internet Bible: - in English, and many other languages

The prospect of a wedding is exciting; joy is about to be unleashed on the happy couple, their families and all around them. Jesus used this picture to describe the Day when He will come again with His Bride, the church (Revelation 21:1-2). The scene is set at the bride's home. In those days the bridegroom would come from his home to collect his bride and they would then be escorted back to his home by bridesmaids. As is the way in some cultures today, timing can be variable - as the man would be celebrating first with his friends before the wedding.

The bridesmaids would then be kept waiting. They were all alert at first but then darkness fell. Maybe they expected the bridal procession to be deferred until the following day. Anyway, in Jesus' story, half of the young ladies had not even considered that it might be a night-time procession, and had not bothered to bring any extra oil with them; but the other five had brought oil in case it was needed.

All the bridesmaids fell asleep, only to be woken at midnight by the joyful noise of the bridegroom and his friends. The wise girls got their lamps ready, but the foolish ones did not have enough oil for the procession. Although they begged some oil from their friends the answer was, 'No, go and buy your own; there is not enough'. It was not selfish but wise, as otherwise all the lamps would go out before reaching the man's house. They could not risk their bride stumbling along in the dark.

This was yet another parable warning the disciples (and through them, the church) to be fully ready for the moment Jesus will return to claim His Bride. The task for the trainee apostles was to teach both Jews and Gentiles the importance of being prepared to welcome Jesus when He comes again. That call is still the apex of the gospel message. Having Christ's coming as a clear focus point also prevents the church from stumbling along in the darkness of their own self-interest. If you knew that Jesus will come today or tomorrow, how different will your repentance, praise and lifestyle be? He expects us to be ready with a lifestyle and worship which will welcome Him. It is time to repent and get ready for Jesus.

Prayer:  Loving God. Thank You for desiring that the Church shall be intimately and joyfully united with Jesus Christ. Even though I do not feel worthy, thank You that Jesus desires to include me. I repent of my lack of preparation, my distracted focus and my lack of expectation of His return. Please encourage me each day, and especially today, to live and worship in a way that pleases You, in eager anticipation of Jesus coming to take me home. In His Name. Amen. 


Matthew 25:10-13  But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. Later the others also came. "Lord, Lord," they said, "open the door for us!" But he replied, "Truly I tell you, I don’t know you." Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. (NIVUK)

You can read the verses around this Bible passage from the Internet Bible: - in English, and many other languages

This is the second part of Jesus' parable about the wise and foolish bridesmaids. They had waited a long time for the bridegroom who surprised them by his unexpected arrival, in the middle of the night. The wise ladies had prepared themselves with extra oil to fuel their lamps, just in case it was necessary. The foolish ones had to go out to buy oil but when they got back, the lamp-lit procession from the bride's house to the home of her new husband was over. The doors were locked. They were too late.

It was a private family celebration, but would have attracted all sorts of people who wanted to join in. However the bridegroom did not know them and refused them entry. They had not been introduced to him by the bride; they had not accompanied the joyful procession through the darkness; they had not contributed any light to illuminate the road. They were unknown and unwelcome. Whatever their excuses, they were not prepared and not included.

Jesus said it was essential for His disciples (the apostles of the Early Church) to live expecting His return at any moment. Indeed, His return had to be the focus point of their ministry: otherwise the church would degenerate into a self-satisfying club preoccupied with meeting their own needs. Instead, each believer should learn to live as a temporary citizen of earth, pleasing the King of heaven and illuminating this dark world with the truth of His love. They were commanded to 'keep watch' – always be ready. Jesus could come at any moment. We do not know which day or what time.

If we love Jesus we should be eager to meet Him. Some people say that God loves everybody (which is true) and so He will not reject anybody from His eternal home (but that is not true). Jesus is clear that He will refuse to welcome anybody to His home who has not previously been part of the bridal party (the people who have asked to be made clean through the blood of Jesus). It is an eternally dangerous fantasy to think otherwise; and dangerous for others if we assume that we have no responsibility to urge them to repent and receive Jesus before He returns. So today is a good day to get real in our relationship with Jesus, and encourage our friends and colleagues to turn to Him before it is too late (see www.crosscheck.org.uk).

Prayer:  Loving God. Thank You that Jesus has already paid for my sins when He died on the cross. I am sorry that I have been so preoccupied with my own responsibilities and interests that I have forgotten that I am a temporary resident on earth because I am already a citizen of heaven. Please help me to refocus on Your priority for this world: the salvation of all who come to Jesus in repentance and faith, and who are looking forward to His return. In His Name. Amen.


Matthew 25:14-18  Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money. (NIVUK)

You can read the verses around this Bible passage from the Internet Bible: - in English, and many other languages

Jesus often used illustrations from business life. This one is about a man who gave money to trusted servants, expecting them to invest it profitably. He then went away but clearly expected a good return on his investment.

The parallel is obvious. Jesus came, made disciples and then gave them the gospel of salvation so that it could be invested into the lives of people and win souls for glory. He gave people, including the apostles, inspired by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:11-13) to equip the whole church to demonstrate and explain the character of God and His grace (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Each believer is Christ's investment to bring His light to a dark world and multiply the light as people are converted and give more glory to Him.

Jesus was going away. The apostles would be left with the Holy Scriptures including the gospel and the Holy Spirit who would give spiritual gifts. That investment will 'mature' when Jesus comes back again. In the story, two of the servants made 100% profit but the third servant had no interest in putting his Master's investment to work. And so Jesus taught that there would be two kinds of people: those who were eager for the Master's capital to increase and those who had no interest in what the Master would get on his return (lazy, sulky, hating their Master or too busy with their own concerns to work for him).

Judas Iscariot went one step further and tried to get the value of the Master for himself – but he lost everything. Most of the others invested their lives and brought great profit to the Lord - much glory and many new believers into God's family. If you are in Christ then you have been given spiritual gifts with which to glorify God. What are you doing with them? They are not toys for your amusement but tools to use in the building of His kingdom. When He returns, what profit will you be able to show for all He has invested into you? Will He have been glorified; will there be new believers; will His kingdom have grown?

Prayer:  My Lord and Master. Thank You for having given to me some spiritual gifts, special abilities which You have inspired so that I can bring glory to You and work with You to build Your kingdom. Forgive me when I have not been interested in serving You or using Your gifts - through preoccupation with my own interests, laziness or indifference. Please help me to see in these verses that You have given gifts, and that You fully expect them to produce a return on investment. Give me a willing spirit to use Your gifts so that You get the glory. In Jesus' Name. Amen.